UNPD: Challenges for Structural Change and Technology Upgrading in Small, Resource-Rich Economies

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United Nations (Guyana), University of Guyana - Green Institute

UNPD: Challenges for Structural Change and Technology Upgrading in Small, Resource-Rich Economies

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Dr. Danilo Spinola

Dr. Danilo Spinola is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Birmingham City Business School and a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA).




Dr. Thomas Singh

Thomas is Director of the University of Guyana’s GREEN Institute and Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Economics. He has worked in academia, the public sector (the Guyana Forestry Commission, Bank of Guyana, and Privatisation Unit) and the private sector (with an environmental and economics consulting company in the US).  His teaching and research have been in the general areas of applied microeconomics and econometrics, with a particular interest in environmental and natural resource economics and management, institutional and behavioural economics; and econometrics.


For any enquiries, please email us at greeninstitute@uog.edu.gy

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

09/09/2022 | 11:00 AM to
09/09/2022 | 12:30 PM

Registration End Date



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